Wee Trees Bonsai Help Forum Advice for all

Thank you all
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Author:  GreenLarry [ 12 Apr 2015, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Glad to be here. I enjoyed my time with BonsaiHelp

Author:  stymie [ 06 Nov 2015, 11:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Thank you all for your patience during the doldrums of the last three days. When JohnF and I decided to launch 'weetrees' because 'Bonsai Help' was dying, little did we realize what a huge, friendly group it would grow into.
Keep the faith!

Author:  discus [ 30 Nov 2016, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Thanks for adding me.

Author:  discus [ 30 Nov 2016, 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Sorry Stymie I cant send you a pm back.

Author:  stymie [ 30 Nov 2016, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Nevertheless, you have done and I've replied to it. :30clap2:

Author:  Harmes1990 [ 22 Apr 2017, 14:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Would just like to say a huge thanks to every single person on the forum for helping me with knowledgeand most of all acceptance I have very real reasons to express my gratitude as I have autism and stuggle mixing and face to face situations but have never felt so at ease to ask and my thing something of a rarity for me 1# bonsai forum on the web :Big Thumb:

Author:  daryl [ 22 Apr 2017, 14:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Great to hear that the medium of an internet forum can be of such help for a person with autism. Thank you for highlighting that to us and for your contributions :smallthumb:
Just out of interest, do smilies and emoticons help you or not?

Author:  stymie [ 22 Apr 2017, 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

It's nice of you to say all this Harmes. Both Daryl and I are familiar with people who have your problem.
Stay with us, we appreciate your input.

Author:  Brendan [ 23 Apr 2017, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Interesting. I am quite gregarious and I like the forum as another friendly place to interact. Don - something must be going very well if both Harmes and I are comfortable here!

Author:  Harmes1990 [ 23 Apr 2017, 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Thank you all

Ur right brendan lovely people when I got my very first elm last year I called a well known bonsai nursery for advice and it put me right off rude was an understatement as you both no it can be very hard for ppl with autism add adhd ect to prosess negative feedback well in my case any way so am glad I have this place to remain relatively annonomous and be in my own garden when I am asking advice what more could a guy want :Big Thumb:

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