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Author:  Rivulus123 [ 18 Aug 2020, 03:09 ]
Post subject:  Aprehensive/Excitement

The scenario is, I've sold a great niche tropical Fish book collection. I bought them all many years ago and had a few of them signed at that point in time. The authors are now all but dead and the majority of the books are out of print. They have gone to a buyer in Germany who gave me a great price and paid the hefty postage for 15kgs of weight.
I sold them because they were on a shelf collecting dust and not much usage, primarily because of the dawn of the internet and Google it's much easier to look a lot of things up and converse with international counterparts rather than trawl through books, Things are a lot lazier today.
Cutting a long story short, I'm at a point in my life that I enjoy the garden (summers evening, glass of red wine) and I feel that part of my newly acquired funding should buy me a nice bonsai. It will be 000's rather than 0000's (thats enough for me presently)
I've seen something I'm after. it's a fairly safe species and large. or maybe I should buy something a little more show-stopping.
As the title goes, I'm feeling a little Apprehensive at the thought of spending this money on a nice tree (even if I choose the safe option) and on the other hand, Excitement of owning my first real bonsai tree.
insominia kicks in lol
Never thought I'd feel this way about the situation I find myself in.....but I suppose it's the same with every hobby.
So the last part is working on a plan to smuggle this tree past the wife both in a monetary as well as a physical sense.
With the words "HOW MUCH" ringing in my ears, I bid you adieu...

P.S. I'm sure I'm not alone in parts of the above lol

Author:  keithmart [ 18 Aug 2020, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement


I trust that you will do your research and not choose the first tree you see. I don't know dealers in your area, but it is much better to actually see what you are buying, rather than getting something by post. I am sure you realize that though.

Think hard about what species will thrive where you live, and make sure you know how to look after it properly.

As for hwmbo tell her and let her (think) help with the choice.

Good luck

Author:  richardb [ 18 Aug 2020, 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

The price does not dictate the quality. Look at all the points, healthy number 1,2 and 3. Good nebari, taper, branches in the correct places. Etc

Author:  daryl [ 18 Aug 2020, 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

If you are going to spend that sort of money, I would suggest that you ask Bonsai Eejit to advise and possibly get a tree from him so you can go back at regular intervals for care advice and lessons. Personally, I think it is too soon in your learning curve to buy a 'show stopper'. Patience is the key!

Author:  Paul B [Swindon] [ 18 Aug 2020, 09:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

I agree with Daryl, you don't have to spend 000's to enjoy this hobby, half the pleasure it to turn an cheap, immature and ugly piece of material into something worth showing.

Set your sights lower until you have gained experience, I hear it all the time "I bought a nice bonsai and then killed it"

Ian will I am sure help you

Author:  daryl [ 18 Aug 2020, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

Perhaps talk to Ian about investing your 'book money' in a less expensive tree and a series of 1:1 lessons to learn about it and take it to the next level. That would be money well spent :smallthumb:

Author:  Koren [ 18 Aug 2020, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

I'm about 5 years into keeping bonsai now. Maybe you're a better learner than me, or have greener fingers, but I still kill trees, and I've lost two of my more expensive ones (£50 is a piece). It's bad enough losing ones at that price, I couldn't face losing one I'd spent a load on. I'd rather have 5x £50 trees than 1x £250 tree I think!

Author:  Rivulus123 [ 18 Aug 2020, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

daryl wrote:
Perhaps talk to Ian about investing your 'book money' in a less expensive tree and a series of 1:1 lessons to learn about it and take it to the next level. That would be money well spent :smallthumb:

LOL Daryl, what made you think I'd be buying it off anyone else but Ian (Bonsai Eejit)...the second viewing is imminent.
That way I can see what I'm buying, I would never commit a certain amount of cash to an internet image.
A. This tree is not a show stopper as such, only to me, I liked it first time around but I need a second look.
B. It's a more novice related species and I think it's well within my capabilities (if still available) if not there are other options.
C. I have the backup of Ian to fall back on for close hand advice on husbandry should it be needed
D. I know £££ bears no relation to quality and health must always come first.
E. I will be enrolling in the study group. if only to lurk in the background.

I'm keen to learn and I need to shake off certain shackles of ignorance.
This tree could be a focus for me.
Thanks for all the solid advice guys it is truely appreciated.

Author:  daryl [ 18 Aug 2020, 18:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

We’ll sit back and wait to see what you get then :smallthumb:

Author:  Sizzla [ 18 Aug 2020, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Aprehensive/Excitement

No offence but wouldn't it be better to work your way up to that kind of material over time? I've killed so many trees in the last 5-6 years but can't imagine losing something that prescious. At the end of the day it's your money and I wish you all the best whatever you decide

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