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Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?
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Author:  Paul200 [ 07 Nov 2020, 11:20 ]
Post subject:  Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Would there be anything wrong with repotting a large literati Scots Pine mid to late November? Or should I wait until next August? I've just had a new pot made for it (by Tony Remington) and am eager to put it in its first 'proper' bonsai pot. I've been attempting to chase the buds back towards the trunk for a while and it had a quite severe bout of pruning late August/September. It was last repotted three years ago. I was thinking I would repot it in the coming Spring but have just read an old comment on here warning not to do it at that time. Would a repot now be one shock too many?

Thanks for looking.

Author:  richardb [ 08 Nov 2020, 08:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

If you have heavily pruned the tree i would suggest leaving alone till late next year or preferably the following spring.

Author:  Paul B [Swindon] [ 08 Nov 2020, 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

I would leave till next year.

I have done mine several times in late Spring with no problems. I feel doing them late in the year is ok if you can give it good protection. Depends on how heavy you were with pruning.

Author:  Paul200 [ 09 Nov 2020, 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Thanks guys. I guess I knew that - was just hoping really!

Author:  johnbaz [ 10 Nov 2020, 23:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Hi all

I have a small cascade style of Pine, Dunno which type but i've had it for years and it's now only half the tree it was!! I'm (very) bad with Pines and repotted this one a couple of years ago but it's not come on at all, I was advised to repot it in to a slightly bigger pot around now!, The chap also said to get rid of the stuff growing on the surface (Can't recall what he called it!) as it's not helping the little thing!

Would this be sage advice or a bad idea?



Would spring be better?

EDIT- Sorry, Forgot to mention, It's not been pruned as there wasn't much to prune!!

Cheers, John :-)

Author:  Gary Jones [ 11 Nov 2020, 11:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Pines are usually repotted in spring after they start waking up (a bit later than deciduous) or in early autumn when vascular growth is strong. Yes to removing the weeds and also repot into a free draining soil - which is important for pines. I use Akadama, pumice and lava 1:1:1 as advised by Ryan Neil of Mirai - did wonders for my pines.

Author:  bluesky [ 13 Nov 2020, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

John, I don't know what kind of pine yours is - but I think it's worth trying to get an ID on it.

If its a mugo pine, these can be more fussy and are best repotted in late summer - that's when I do mine every 2 years without problems. But defintely not now in autumn.

As said above, I would wait until spring, or late summer if it's a mugo. You could slip pot if you're worried about it getting potpound in the meantime.

The weeds look like pearlwort, definitely get rid of these because they root down and take up water and nutrients.

Author:  John M [ 13 Nov 2020, 11:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Hi JB -

I think, if this little pine were mine, I would remove all the wire, just to let it breathe
(I don't think the wire is helping the tree much), and also I'd thoroughly clean off the
pearlwort and other stuff like moss etc, then I'd leave it alone until next year.
About next May/June I'd pot it in into a slightly bigger cascade pot, using a very
coarse and gritty soil medium, and after that I'd leave it well alone for at least a couple
of seasons to let it get stronger and put on some more foliage. It doesn't look from the
photos as though it's very interested in back-budding, so the only alternative is to let it
put on length, (so even more literati), and with the extra length should come some more
foliage and a bit of ramification. I think on the whole that the more you fiddle with this little
tree, the more it will slowly give up. Set it up to grow as best you can, give it best possible
conditions of light etc, then just let it get on with it. One of the most important lessons I've
learned since I started bonsai nearly 20 years ago is that most trees can do with far less
attention than we give them
. Fiddling kills, but slowly - we torture our trees to death sometimes.


Author:  johnbaz [ 13 Nov 2020, 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

Thanks everyone

From memory, I think it may have been a Scots Pine, It's deffo not a Mugo Bluesky as I have one in the garden and it has spiky bits in the bark where the old needles dropped off, This one is smoother!!

I recalled someone saying about autumn repotting, I think it weas actually Juniper rather than pines that was being discussed!

The little pine has about half- Maybe less of the foliage it had when I bought it, I repotted it a few years ago but it carried on not doing well so it was just watered and more or less ignored, I tend to do that but occasionally root out these trees and have a go- As in when I was off work shielding earlier in the year!, I had a go at several trees that had been left alone!!

As I've unofficially retired now they will probably get fed more often and repotted when they need it rather than a couple of years later!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

I just found a pic that I took in 2009 which was probably when i'd brought it home from Don Valley Stadium!!

Poor thing has suffered!!

Cheers all :smallthumb: :grin:

Author:  Paul B [Swindon] [ 14 Nov 2020, 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Repot a Scots Pine in Autumn?

It looks like a Scots, it isn't doing well due to the size of pot and poor soil

You can pot these in Autumn but they need Winter care, I much more prefer to do them in later Spring.

Try it in a larger pot [not too big] and once it has settled start feeding to get some vigour back into it and help it to grow strongly.

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