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Planting a Japanese black pine bonsai
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Author:  SeanR [ 05 Mar 2023, 13:44 ]
Post subject:  Planting a Japanese black pine bonsai

I have a Japanese black pine bonsai that is suitable for Niwaki, its been in pots all its life.

Anyone got any tips?

Having a google, pulled this up regarding soil type..............
The soil must be moist but well-drained. Sandy loam is ideal; Japanese black pine does not tolerate soggy soil and poor drainage. It prefers acidic soil but can also grow in slightly alkaline soil.

A nice sunny spot.

Author:  NickB [ 28 Mar 2023, 16:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Planting a Japanese black pine bonsai

Yes, very good drainage is essential. Make sure your pot has plenty of holes, and then drill some more in it. Plenty of coarse grit.

I am just down the road in Warrington and have had several Black and White Pines die off due to root rot as a result of the constant rain. Even one of my Scotties is looking a bit yellow this spring. I'm never sure about soil PH, but I once hear a tip to put pine needles in the mix to increase acidity.

I remember reading that Japanese Black will grow in cracks in walls where there is very little moisture, so that is something to bear in mind.

Author:  SeanR [ 23 Jul 2023, 14:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Planting a Japanese black pine bonsai

Cheers Nick

I went with a Scots pine instead of a Black pine.

Now planted and had some good growth.

Author:  NickB [ 24 Jul 2023, 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Planting a Japanese black pine bonsai

Good choice, Sean. I would say Scots is much more reliable in this part of the country. Plenty around on Motorway verges, Roadsides, etc.

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