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Anyone cover pots in winter?
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Author:  SeanR [ 25 Oct 2023, 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone cover pots in winter?

It was a mould issue i had with the mini greenhouse. Better cutting a big hole in each side for air flow.

As for the pot covering, will just leave under the bench instead, when its built that is.

Always find a way, better being cautious.

Wished id been as cautious with my Elm last year, live and learn.

Author:  SeanR [ 28 Oct 2023, 10:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone cover pots in winter?

Came up with a temporary solution.

Have one of those cheap 4 tier garden shelf units. Took the third tier out and put the white pine on the 2nd

Rubber car mat top shelf to keep the rain off, job done, now a lot drier.

Still gets sun, will bubble wrap the pot when frosts come.

Have other trees that will follow same route, Sabina etc

All until new shelf is up, whenever these scaffold planks turn up that is

Cheers all

Author:  Betula [ 31 Oct 2023, 09:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone cover pots in winter?

Most species we grow can safely cope with winter rains - millions of years of evolution have seen to that!! For trees with impeded drainage eg potbound, or species that like drier soil in winter surely the easiest solution is cling film over top of pots? maybe just punch a few air holes to provide ventilation?

Author:  johnbaz [ 08 Nov 2023, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone cover pots in winter?

I don't cover the pots but usually put my Acers in a cold greenhouse, Some will have to rough it this year as i've a load of Acer seedlings that are staying in there!!

I trimmed the hedges a few days ago and have to move trees from the border, I noticed two Acer patio trees (A Katsura and Beni Hagaromo) had an inch of standing water in the pots! :suro:

Strangely the drain holes were clear, I stuck some long pointed canes through them to drain and placed them in the greenhouse to dry some, I fear I may lose them as it's happened before and I lost them! :roll:

I also put them on their side overnight to completely drain!


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