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Greetings from Ireland
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Author:  pob88 [ 18 Jul 2020, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Greetings from Ireland

Newbie here from Ireland figured it's about time I introduced myself. I have been lurking here reading a lot of information. I don't have any bonsai yet but I do have several trees mostly conifers. At the moment it's just sticks in pots but hopefully with some patience I can develop them into something decent. Thanks for all the help so far. So far I have a couple of different very young pines, three larch twigs and a few alnus cordata saplings. Anyway thanks for having me.

Author:  Paul B [Swindon] [ 19 Jul 2020, 07:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Hi and welcome Paul

We all had to start somewhere, most of us started with what is considered 'sticks in pots'
Ireland is a big place can you narrow it down. So that we can better answer some of your questions. Quite a few people say that there isn't much interest in bonsai in Ireland but it is surprising the number who are around. A number of clubs have sprung up over the last few years........... maybe you are near one?

Pines and larch are a good start but can take sometime to style. Check out your local garden centre or even friends gardens, cotoneaster, lonicera, pyracantha, potentilla, box or anything with a small leaf can be quicker to style into a tree shape.

Use the search box at the top of the page to find lots of advice on lots of items.

Author:  pob88 [ 19 Jul 2020, 10:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Hi Paul
Thanks for the welcome and advice. I'm in Dublin I have reached out to the local club but I'm yet to hear back I presume that it's on hold for the moment until things settle back down. Will have to keep a look out for some of the trees you mentioned.

Author:  Paul B [Swindon] [ 19 Jul 2020, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Looks like the Munster club met on the 11th July 2020, https://munsterbonsaiclub.wordpress.com ... T-KEcUaqy4

contact Piotr 0852539812 OR Ray 0868539528

Most clubs in the UK and Ireland are struggling with venues due to the lockdown but it is getting better.

If you are on facebook there is a good group 'Bonsai UK & Ireland' as well as a 'Munster Bonsai Club'

Hope this helps

Author:  Dustmonkey [ 19 Jul 2020, 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Hi Paul, welcome to wee trees

Author:  Gary Jones [ 20 Jul 2020, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Welcome. I hope you enjoy the forum and the hobby.

Author:  pob88 [ 20 Jul 2020, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland

Thanks for the info on Munster bonsai club Paul will try to make contact with them. Cheers for the welcome dustmonkey and Gary really enjoying the forum so much information and some very inspirational trees here.

Author:  Brendan [ 21 Jul 2020, 09:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Greetings from Ireland


This is a great hobby, enjoy the journey.

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